sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2014

How to care a Sugar Glider

A Sugar Glider is a nocturnal animal which a lot of people consider very pretty. The name is due to its taste for sugary food but it also eats spiders, moths, beetles and larvae insects. However, it needs many specific cares, so having this kind of pet is not an easy work
Firstly, they are very social animals which are not prepared to live alone. It is recommended that at least two of them live together so that they sleep, give love and attendances to each other. If it is not done, they will have health problems, self-mutilation or bites caused by depression.
At second place, they are habituated to jump, run and "fly" from one tree to other one. As a result, they must have a big space to live; cages for hamster, guinea pig or rabbit does not work. The adequate type of cage is called "Voladera", so if you are not going to buy it for this pet, you should think about buying other animal.
In brief, Sugar Gliders are beautiful animals with which you can play and have a good time, but the most important issue is how to care it. You must follow all the advices about its cares or they could fall ill. They are very interesting animals which can receive and give a lot of love.


1 comentario:

  1. Sugar gliders are playful creatures, and it's important to take note of the immense living space they need to be comfortable. You're right that they are originally habituated to jump from tree to tree, which makes small cages a no-no when deciding to care for one. At any rate, I'm glad you understand that. Hopefully, more people will take note of that as well. Thanks for sharing!

    Sherri Briggs @ The Pet Glider
